Back-end Engineer: ![Warning]! = iffy if i got the concepts to know correct ** = what even is this??? (unknown unknown) * = not fully conceptualized or have actually used (known unknown) ? = i want to understand the higher/broader concepts better (deeper wisdom or rusty) Internet: ? How does the internet work? - OSI Model, BGP Protocol, and ISPs ? What is HTTP? - TLS/SSL, Security Mechanisms, RESTFul What is hosting? - Web Servers, Hosting Architectures DNS and how do they work? - DNS Records, DNS Resolution Browsers and how do they work? - DOM Constructions and Repainting, HTTP Requests Language: ? Compilation - Linking, AST, Platform-agnostic (Bytecode), Make Execution - Concurrency, I/O, Exceptions, Memory (how it's used) Page-Tables, Sys Calls, CPU Caching, OO-Execution, Spec-Ex - i'm kidding... Frameworks (they didn't have this?): Flask - Blueprints, Templates, Decorator Extensions (Microservices) Django - App, Models, Templates, Views (Monolithic) Spring-boot - Models, Databases, Controllers, Repositories Relation DBs: (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, Oracle) Syntax - SQL, Complex Queries, Building Queries ? Data Structures - Index Structures, Tables, Keys (mostly just the underlying algorithms) Relationships and Forms - XNF, X-X Relationships, Complex Joins (sigh) API General Topics: REST APIs - Stateless, Error Handling, and OAS Authentication - OICD, JWT, OAUTH2 * Testing - Unit, Integration, Functional Caching: (Redis, Memcached) Server-side - Key-Value, Cache Invalidation * Client-side - Cookies, CDNs Web Security: * Firewall - Packet Inspection & Filtering * CORS - Headers, Preflight * Security - OWASP, Hashing, Best Practices Database Grab-bag: ORMS - Classes, Relationships, SQL as Classes * Best Practices - ACID, no N+1, Normalization, Transactions ** Failure Modes ** Performance Profiling Software Architecture: Monolithic - Front End <-> Back End <-> Another Service Microservices - Front End -> Back End or -> Another Service Service Oriented Architecture - In between monolithic and microservices (specifically DBs) ** Serverless, Service Mesh, Twelve Factor Apps Parts of the Roadmap Left (In-Order): * Scaling Databases * Design and Development Principles * Docker (In-depth) * Kubernetes (In-depth) * Scaling APIs * Monitoring * Message Brokers * Search Engines * Web Servers ** Real-Time Data * NoSQL DBs Skipped in Mentions: Git Testing To be a better Back-end Dev I need to focus on: Scaling APIs and DBs Theory Learning API Ecosystems (Logging, Brokers, Servers) Using Real-time Data (non REST) Trying NoSQL DB Solutions -- END, *'s still need to be removed before roadmap check-off