Front-end Engineer: ![Warning]! = iffy if i got the concepts to know correct ** = what even is this??? (unknown unknown) * = not fully conceptualized or have actually used (known unknown) ? = i want to understand the higher/broader concepts better (deeper wisdom or rusty) Internet: ? How does the internet work? - OSI Model, BGP Protocol, Security Protocols, and Network Infrastructure ? What is HTTP? - TLS/SSL Handshake, Security Mechanisms, RESTFul What is hosting? - Web Servers, Hosting Architectures DNS and how do they work? - DNS Records, DNS Resolution Browsers and how do they work? - DOM Constructions and Repainting, HTTP Requests, DNS Lookups HTML: Semantic HTML SEO Tags - OpenGraph ? HTML 5 Features - LocalStorage, WebASM * Accessibility - WCAG, Accessibility Tools, ARIA CSS: CSS Custom Properties CSS Libraries - Bootstrap 5, Tailwind * Responsive Design - Media Queries, Viewport, Flexbox, Behavior ![Warning]! JavaScript: JS Syntax - Functions, Objects, Variables * V8 Engine - JIT, WebASM, Optimization * Asynchronous and Event Loop - Async/Await, Task Queues * DOM + OOP - Node Manipulation, Shadow DOM, DOM Objects ------- Build Tools ------- Package Managers: (npm, pnpm, yarn) Dependency Management - Versions, Transitive Dependencies * Semantic Versioning - Version Formats, Releases * Repositories - Registries Pick a Framework: (React, Angular, etc.) * Data Binding - Two-way / One-way, Directives * Component Architecture - Babel, .JSX, State Management * Responsive Classes - Conditional, Hooks, "Reactive" CSS Preprocessors: (Sass, PostCSS) ** Mix-ins ** Functions ** Logic Directives Modules: (Vite, Parcel, Esbuild) ** Transpiler ** Bundler ? Dev Server - Live Reload, Ports Linters: (Prettier, ESLint) ** ASTs ** Linter Scopes ** Custom Rules Testers: (Vitest, Cypress) ? E2E Testing - Validate, Smoke-test, Cross-functional Reqs ** State Management ** Mocks Parts of the Roadmap Left (In-Order): * Web Security Basics ** Web Components * Type Checkers ** Server Side Rendering ** GraphQL ** Progressive Web Apps * Static Site Generators (JEKYLL?) ** Mobile Apps ** Desktop Apps Skipped in Mentions: Git Authentication To become a better Front-end dev I need to focus on: Understanding V8 and Browser Execution Learning Responsive CSS Design Using Package Managers Trying JS Frameworks Researching Linters Applying Testing to JS Projects > Future: Optimize Webapps and Development Mobile and Desktop -- END, *'s still need to be removed before roadmap check-off