Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure (All Parts)


Just finished Steel Ball Run, so here I am writing on what I think makes Jojo's great for me. The series is written by Hirohiko Araki, who is now a globally acclaimed mangaka from this. A fun fact for him is that he went to a fine arts school and has had many collabs with high-end fashion brands. He also even had some pieces for Jojo's shown in the Louvre (where the Mona Lisa is).

Characters and Stands

I think everyone can agree. The creativity of characters and stands in Jojo’s is what makes the manga series (atleast for me). I definitely am not discounting the other things Araki does very well in Jojo’s like narrative, storytelling, themes, symbolism, and plot development. But, I find myself being hooked to the story 100% for the fights and interactions between the unique stand abilities. The strategic depth and variety in these fights add a layer of excitement and engagement, making each encounter feel fresh and unpredictable.  And it doesn’t seem to get stale because each time Araki comes up with the perfect battleground for the new stand to battle it out.

My Favorite Stands