The Clemons Series

The premise for this is simple: I get lost in an aisle and push the boundaries of my knowledge.1

AP.2.S // AZ.999.W

  1. On The Digital Humanities - COMPLETED: dense, assumes of a lot of prior knowledge2
  2. What Are The Arts And Sciences? - SKIMMED: a good table book
  3. The Intellectual Life - DROPPED: not bad, good insights, too theistic about it

B.1.E // B.105.A

  1. Essays On Ultimate Questions - READING: fun essays on every form of philosophical skepticism 3
  2. The Virtual Embodied - SKIMMED: meh table book
  3. The Digital Phoenix - SKIMMED: okay table book
  4. The Simpsons And Philosophy - SKIMMED: great table book 4

B.105 // B.127.C

  1. Food & Philosophy5 - COMPLETED: just not for me
  2. Absent Body
  3. The Vocation of Writing - SKIPPED: more linguistic stuff
  4. Intentionality - SKIPPED: see above
  5. The Knowledge Illusion - DROPPED: social constructivism lite + cognitive biases

B.127.C // B.132.D

  1. All Else Is Bondage - COMPLETED: interesting essays on eastern metaphysics and wu wei
  2. The Enigma of I-consciousness - DROPPED: a comparative analysis of the “self”
  3. Indian Philosophy A-Z - SKIMMED: I enjoy these viewpoints of the world
  4. Li Zhi, Confucianism and desire - DROPPED: The book doesn’t interest me anymore
  5. Neo-Confucianism : metaphysics, mind, and morality - SKIMMED: historical chinese philosophers

B.132.D // B.162.5.Y

  1. A Glossary of Sanskrit Terms in the Synthesis of Yoga - SKIMMED: very rich words
  2. Place, Commonality and Judgment - DROPPED: I got lost and confused, too many latin words
  3. Justice - READING: seminal essays on every form of justice

  1. Hopefully, I figure out what the call codes mean. 

  2. To sum it up, one must be well versed in Gadamer and Turing but also doubly disciplined in the theory of language and meanings. And the whole canon on linguistics, computation, data, philosophy. To rephrase, one must be good at the Derridean game and perform skeptically well at the positivist game. 

  3. For me, I read this book because I want to recognize when someone is committing sophistry or not. 

  4. I liked the section on Lisa and American Anti-intellectualism + “Thus Spoke Bart” 

  5. Reflecting before reading made me realize the order I “consume” the readings are important for my experience.